1.1.1 -Fixed a bug that could allow a player to be declared victor, when in fact a no-winner-situation should have been declared. -Made some minor tweaks to the sound player, but Java + pulseaudio unfortunately still sucks. -Some minor tweaks to presented messages and window sizes. 1.1.0 -Play with the new (2005) ruleset now available. -Fixed a minor bug that under certain circumstances would allow the game to be started with an insufficient number of players. 1.0.7 -After getting some feedback regarding the GUI, I changed the way the zoom and window resizing behaves. This required 2 new classes (Resizer and ComponentSizeController) plus a somewhat ugly hack. Java doesen't handle componentResized events very well... 1.0.6 -Fixed a bug that caused the "Buy token" -button to be clickable for a short while when an AI player flew to Capetown for the first time. If the button was clicked in this interval the behaviour was undefined. 1.0.5 -Fixed another bug which could cause a computer player to spend more money than he had. This bug was not related to the one fixed in the 1.0.4-release, but had to do with the cost-calculating algorithm used for the routes. 1.0.4 -Fixed a bug which caused a computer player who drew a blank at Slave Coast to be released prematurely. -Fixed a bug which under very rare circumstances allowed a computer player to spend more money than he actually had. (The bug in question didn't have a severe impact on gameplay, since the computer would be stranded immediately after overspending, but it's been fixed nonetheless.) 1.0.3 -Fixed a stupid bug that I carelessly introduced with v1.0.2, where a human player who was trying to roll for a token and had somebody else "steal" it from him, had to roll one extra turn and not move. Furthermore the bug would crash the game if the outcome of the roll was >= 4. So much for "more intelligent checkbox"... Well it should work now, and fortunately the buggy version wasn't up very long. -Slightly adjusted the size of the initial menu. 1.0.2 -Fixed some issues with the component sizes for different screen resolutions. -Made the "roll for token" checkbox more intelligent, so that the player only has to remember to check it the first time. 1.0.1 -Fixed bug with jar-packaging that caused the game to be unable to read the external files (such as sound files and help files) under some circumstances. -As a consequence of fixing the above bug, the external files are gone. Everything is now inside one single jar-file. -The BrowserLauncher class is gone. The display is now handled by the simpler JEditorPane. -The SoundPlayer class has been reworked in order to handle jar-packaged files. 1.0.0 -First public release